If you are starting a new bank (cash) account you will need to setup that account in the various modules of Maxwell Management Suite.
General Ledger
- Add the new Account via General Ledger, GL Files Maintenance, Account Maintenance
- Add the Account in General Ledger, GL Files Maintenance, Bank Rec Account Maintenance
- In Payroll, Payroll Files Maintenance, GL Posting Account Maint, change the Cash and Direct Deposit Accounts.
- In Payroll, Employee Files Maintenance, Direct Deposit, Direct Deposit G/L Account Maintenance add the new account
- When doing Pay Period Initialization, make sure you refer to the new Account.
Accounts Payable
- When doing the Accounts Payable, Payment Processing, Check Printing, it will ask for the Cash Account. Once you enter the new Account it will default to that in the future.
Accounts Receivable
- When you do the Accounts Receivable, Cash Receipt Journal, it will ask for the Cash Account. Once you enter the new Account it will default to that in the future.
That’s it. Now go process those checks!