Exporting Maxwell Management Suite data

Welcome to our business, where we specialize in providing expert advice and support for data export solutions using Maxwell Management Suite. As a leading provider in the industry, we understand the importance of having access to accurate and reliable data, and we are committed to helping you get the most out of your Maxwell Management Suite.

Our team of experienced technicians is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of support possible. We are committed to helping you export your data from Maxwell Management Suite in a way that meets your unique business needs, whether you are a seasoned user or just getting started.

Our services include:

Consultation and advice – Our team of experts will work closely with you to understand your data export requirements and provide you with customized advice on the best data export solutions for your specific business needs.

Implementation and configuration – We can help you implement and configure your chosen data export solutions to ensure that your data is exported accurately and efficiently.

Training and support – Our team can provide you with personalized training and support to ensure that you are able to use your chosen data export solutions effectively and efficiently.

Customization and development – We can also help you develop custom solutions for your data export needs, including custom plugins and integrations.

At our business, we pride ourselves on our commitment to providing outstanding customer service and support. Our team is available 24/7 to ensure that you always have access to the support you need, when you need it.

Thank you for considering our business for your data export needs using Maxwell Management Suite. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve success with your business.

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Making the Bill To address fit in a window envelope with Maxwell Systems Management Suite Invoice Printing

Maxwell Systems Management Suite offers the ability to print invoices on plain paper, but it is possible the Bill To address will not appear in the proper position when that invoice is stuffed into a #9 business window envelope.

Typically, on a #9 business window envelope, the window starts 7/8ths of an inch from the left side. But with Maxwell’s plain paper invoices such as Job Billing T&M Invoices, Service Ticket Invoices, and Service Contract Invoices, the Bill To information starts printing at about 5/8ths of an inch from the left side, causing the Bill To address to be obscured behind the left side of the envelope.

To overcome this problem, a change needs to be made to the X_BILL_TO variable in the print program for each type of invoice printing. Setting X_BILL_TO a value of 7.5 moves the print right about 1/2 of an inch and that solves the problem

If need to resolve this problem, don’t hesitate to contact me for the program changes.

HIRE Act Processing Guidelines for Maxwell Management Suite

With the introduction of the new Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, employers are eligible for a payroll tax credit if eligible employees are hired during February 3 to December 31, 2010. The credit is 6.2% of FICA taxable wages, meaning the employer receives a credit of the employer portion of the FICA for those employees.

To institute this change in Maxwell Systems Management Suite (MSMS) entails setting up a new Fringe in Fringe/Deduction Maintenance, adding a new Calculation Method in Calculation Method Maintenance, and then assigning that new Fringe to the applicable employee(s).

Note that any changes to 941 or W-2 reporting have not been described by the IRS, and if required may necessitate a software update later this year.

Formatting Management Suite Dates for Microsoft Word Mail Merge

Maxwell Systems Management Suite (MSMS) has the ability to use “templates” to create documents, such as a Subcontract, via Microsoft Word mail merge. But when a date is required in the output, Maxwell exports that date as a string in the format of YYYYYMMDD (today would be 20091230), and unfortunately, Microsoft Word doesn’t see that as a date, and doesn’t allow you to format the date in the document correctly.

After doing a little detective work, I found that I could change the date format of the data Maxwell exports to Word. By changing the Date Format so that the date was exported as 12/30/2009, Word then allowed the date to be formatted correctly. Ultimately I had to add this line of code to CSCWMA to make the dates display properly in the merge document:

29701 LET CSCON2$[7]="04" ! force Date Format 04 MM/DD/YY for better mail merge dates

With this fix in place, in the Microsoft Word ‘template’ document, the date can be formatted in a number of ways including something like this:

{MERGEFIELD "SB1_Contract_Date" \@"MMMM d, yyyy"}

That would make the date appear as December 30, 2009.

Limiting display of Maxwell Office Manager Reminders

The Maxwell Systems Management Suite (MSMS) has the ability to remind users, when they login, about Office Manager Events that are open and past their “due” date. But because it can be cumbersome to mark those events as Closed, many users just neglect changing the status of those events. The result of that neglect means that the Office Manager Event Reminder screen is filled with too many older events, so the users just ignore that screen.

To overcome that problem, a change can be made to the CEVLI0 program that will only display a Open Events that are just recently due. For example this change causes the Office Manager Events Reminder to only display the last seven days, today and the six days prior, of Events that need to be addressed. Here is the change for CEVLI0:

45119 LET FIRST_DAY_OLD=6,FIRST_ACTIVITY_DATE$=DTE(FN%DTN(ACTIVITY_DATE$,"YYYYMMDD")-FIRST_DAY_OLD:"YYYYMMDD") ! determine oldest date to display, set FIRST_DAY_OLD=0 to display just today's activities

Overstated costs on the Service Management Contract Analysis Report

The Maxwell Systems Management Suite (MSMS) Service Management Contract Analysis Report can be useful, but recently, in trying to reconcile service revenue and costs, I ran into a problem where the Contract Analysis Report was reporting actual costs twice, once as a current contract cost, and once as a historical contract cost.

The problem happens when you have current costs that are processed for a Work Order that is regarded as belonging to a historical contract. Here’s the particulars–first there’s a contract that expired December 31, 2008, and was renewed. Then Contract Closeout established the “current contract record” expiring December 31, 2009. And finally, a Work Order was created December 15, 2008, but the work was not completed and billed until January 2009. It is this Work Order that causes the confusion for the Contract Analysis Report.

In January 2009, the work on the December 15, 2008 Work Order was performed, and was billed. The Ticket Invoice Journal correctly updated the costs to the Historical Contract File, and also updated the Customer Contract Monthly Cost File for January 2009. But, the Contract Analysis Report adds those January 2009 costs into the Current Contact (the one dated January 1 to December 31, 2009) and it also reports those costs as part of the historical contract data. Thus the costs are overstated.

There is no real solution to this problem except to give each Contract a new number and that’s impractical in most cases.

Reporting number of employees for Maryland Unemployment with Maxwell Systems Management Suite

As part of the quarterly payroll reporting, the state of Maryland requires employers to file the Maryland Quarterly Unemployment Insurance Contribution/Employment Report (DLLR / OUI 15) with a count of employees working on the 12th day of each month in the quarter. Specifically, line 20 of that report requires employers to

Enter the number of full-time and part-time workers (subject to the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law) who worked during or received pay for any part of any payroll period which includes the 12th of the month.

But, the Maxwell Systems Management Suite (MSMS) State Unemployment Report does not provide the count of employees, so here’s how to gather that information.

The trick to getting the employees that worked on the 12th day of any month is to print the YTD Detail Payroll Register for the check date range that includes the 12th of each month. For example, for January 2009, figure out what check date include the pay for January 12th, then run the YTD Detail Payroll Register and use that check date as the beginning and ending check date.

Now for the hard part — print the report to the screen, then count how many employees are printed on the report. That’s the number to use when completing line 20 of the Maryland Quarterly Unemployment Insurance Contribution/Employment Report.

Another possible solution is to create a Payroll Formatted Report using Prefix PR7, define a Formatter Field called Counter with the definition simply as 1 (just the number 1), then print that report, for the date range that include the 12th day of pay for each month, and look at the total of the counter field at the end of the report.

Either way, to determine the information needed by Maryland requires printing a report for each month that includes that 12th day.

Reporting service call volume with Maxwell Systems Management Suite

The Maxwell Systems Management Suite (MSMS) Service Management Systems records all the service calls made by customers. Recently, someone wanted to track a customer activity to determine if a service technician had not visit a site in the last 60 days. Unfortunately, there is no reporting mechanism that would allow that kind of analysis.

But, with the use of the Formatted Report ability in MSMS, you can at least see all the calls that were made to customer site in the last 60 days. I know, not the same as seeing sites NOT visited in the last 60 days, but still useful.

The trick is using an Advanced Filter that only reports those calls marked as completed in the last 60 days. For this example, use the Formatted Report Prefix SPB and create a filter called Date Completed, and under the Advanced tab, add this filter:

JUL(NUM(MID(X$,37,2)),NUM(MID(X$,31,2)),NUM(MID(X$,34,2))) - 

Essentially that says, if the Date Completed field is not empty AND the Terminal Date minus the Date Completed is less than 60 days, include the Work Order on the report. Note the JUL function is used to convert the two dates to a Julian date so the dates can be subtracted from each other.

Not the cleanest method of analyzing call history, but certainly this method gives a service manager a meaningful tool to determine if a customer’s needs are being addressed.

Limits to where PDF files can be printed and stored

Some people try to be true to the whole “paperless” society concept by printing all reports to PDF. But, a problem can arise if the path and filename for that PDF exceeds too many digits.

A customer was trying to print an Open Accounts Payable Report to PDF and used the following Path/Filename: “F:\Mxw\PDF\Jason Builders and Service, Inc\Accounts Payable\2009\20090430\Open Accounts Payable Report.pdf” but kept getting a message that the file did not have an extension. It’s clear that .pdf is the extension.

After a bit of playing around, we changed the name of the folder “Jason Builders and Service, Inc” to just Jason, and sure enough the PDF successfully was created and saved.

So the moral of the story is, “keep the Path/Filename combination of PDFs to fewer than 100 characters”.