Maxwell Systems Management Suite offers the ability to print invoices on plain paper, but it is possible the Bill To address will not appear in the proper position when that invoice is stuffed into a #9 business window envelope.
Typically, on a #9 business window envelope, the window starts 7/8ths of an inch from the left side. But with Maxwell’s plain paper invoices such as Job Billing T&M Invoices, Service Ticket Invoices, and Service Contract Invoices, the Bill To information starts printing at about 5/8ths of an inch from the left side, causing the Bill To address to be obscured behind the left side of the envelope.
To overcome this problem, a change needs to be made to the X_BILL_TO variable in the print program for each type of invoice printing. Setting X_BILL_TO a value of 7.5 moves the print right about 1/2 of an inch and that solves the problem
If need to resolve this problem, don’t hesitate to contact me for the program changes.